Wow! From July to October. That is the longest time in between posts I have ever had since I started my blog. Not that I really expect anyone to have noticed or anyone to be reading this now. Even if you like both one cannot deny that facebook is the largest foe the blog has ever seen. No one reads or writes much in the way of blogs anymore it seems, we are too busy being eerily addicted to this subtle stalkers software. Not that I am throwing stones by any means as my "status" is updated nearly every day.
However I have decided to revive my blog. Not so much for your benefit although I am certain that many have prospered due to all the interesting things that I have to say. But rather for my own creative juices to keep flowing. I think I've realized since I've stopped blogging what an outlet it was and I think I need to keep it up. At least until whatever pushes facebook off the map comes along.