Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Reason for the name

Hello all, and welcome to my blog. I figured since everyone else in the world has one of these things I should get one too. Because any time a bunch of people are doing something you should always just do it too so you can be cool no matter what! Anyways the purpose of this "post" is to fill you in on what the name of this blog is all about. Over the past 14 weeks I have lived here in Toronto and I have really enjoyed it. But I just have one thing I would like to say to all of you people who live in this great city and walk down town on a regular basis... YOU DON'T OWN THE SIDEWALK!!! So if I am walking towards you or behind you or if I am on my roller blades then please let me through!! I will move for you, you can move for me! None of us own it so lets just share... OK?

1 comment:

Katherine Karen said...

first off, the sidewalk isn't big enough to share. =P and thanks Bennerz for your exuberant comment. never fails to make me smile. byes!