Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Only Blond I Ever Loved

Well today would have been the 15th birthday of one of the best friends you could ever wish for. That would be the birthday of the "only blond I ever loved," a golden retriever named Chimo. "Chimo" is an Indian word for friend, a description that fit this gentle old dog perfectly. Chimo Died this summer while I was away working in Toronto and this is the first time her birthday has come around since she has passed away.

She was the greatest dog ever. Right from the time we got her in 1990 she was a perfect fit and a great addition to the Foreman Family. She used to chase my brother and I around the yard, wrestle and pull us around by our ski-pants and she just loved to be around people. Kids (like my brother and I) could pull on her tail, be rough with her, and poke at her but she was always as friendly and gentle as could be.

She was defiantly Dad's dog though, as much as she was loved as the family pet she was my fathers shadow for almost 15 years. Any time He was outside, she would be stuck to him and if he was inside and in clear view from a window she was right there in the window watching. Supper was a spectator sport! She had complete trust in him knowing that if she could see him she was safe and she would walk off a cliff if he pointed her that way because of her faith in him. She was the only dog I've ever seen who could do the back float.

I thought a lot about her today especially since in listened to a sermon this evening about obedience. I taught a "Adventure Club" lesson on obedience once using Chimo right there as an example and even in the middle of 40 kids screaming "PUPPY" she would still mind me. (Chimo was too old for adventure club at the time!)

Yup, she was a great dog and I still think about her quite a bit and sometimes it makes me sad but mostly I'm glad because she had a great full life with kids to grow up with, a great big property and loads of Love that was received as well as given. You may think it's foolish to get so wound up over a dog but she was a family member. And I just wanted to take a few minutes to remember her birthday and her life, thanks for taking it with me. And take a minute to spend with your pet or remembering one while I sit here and cry.