Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sign up now and receive a free...

So when I moved back to PEI in the fall and moved into a new apartment I was trying to get my phone and internet hooked up. I did this through Aliant. They had a promotion on that said if I signed up for high speed internet over the phone or internet I would receive a brand new Mp3 player roughly worth about 125 bucks. This was a bit of a nuisance since I didn't have a phone or internet connection (isn't this why I go to alient in the first place?) but I found a phone to use and took the steps necessary to get this free gift. And to my utter shock and amazment, Alient yet again has not come through and says they did not agree to award me this gift and no where on my account with them does it say that I was ever to recieve one. Not that I need one all that bad and life goes on but man that is so typical of them and so frigging annoying. Not to mention that you have to wait on hold for 3 and a half years listening to crap music just to find out that a bunch of morons run the place. Anyway, i guess that is all for now.

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