Wednesday, March 07, 2007

So it turns out I'm allergic to LIFE!

Well hacking, coughing, and spitting have been a very normal part of my life for quite a while now. I had sort of accepted this and adjusted to it, more or less, as much as I was able. But recently I finally went to a specialist to see what the deal was. So far I've taken two steps to check into this. One was an x-ray of my sinuses. The other, an allergy test. Now I don't know if you've ever had an allergy test but for those of you who haven't here is how the process takes place. First you give them 25 bucks. Dang. Then you take off your shirt and lay flat on your stomach while they take a little needle dealy and prick little holes in your back. Then they take the liquid form of everything from horse hair to birch wood to eggs (I am apparently allergic to all 3) and pour little dabs of it over the holes to see if you react. Its not all that unplesent, it's a little itchy and it takes a while but it doesn't hurt and the lady was very nice. Unfortunately I reacted to several things, mostly located on the left side of my back in a spot that was really hard to reach. I reacted highly to just about every kind of grass, tree, and pollen. I am monstrously allergic to dust and dust mites. But only a tad to cat hair, and not at all to dog hair. I am also just a little allergic to turkey. Weird eh. I eat eggs every week and had no idea that I had an allergy to them. I haven't quite decided if I'm going to cut them out of my diet. They are a crucial part of my regular breakfast at Sam's. We'll have to see. Anyways, thats all in case you're interested. I better go now before I discover I'm allergic to blogs!


Spiderdan said...

Don't let Sam's "egg" you on!!! HAHAHAHA

Harley McCarville said...

perhaps Sam's will make you a "Bacon Jacket" to replace the eggs!!! ... Dave and I already have our names on the list for one!

Matt said...

No egg in toast. Mmmm...toast.

Katherine Karen said...

We were actually discussing that today at chapel, and Nathan mentioned something along the lines as to what you wrote above, However Tyler and I it was different, it was like a stamp of needles all at once in our arm. And I was allergic to quite a few things (still am) but I believe I've grown out of quite a few of them. Allergies are the is asthma, and school. Just throwing that out there, and God is the vaccination (cure). <3

Francine said...

Allergic to turkey? I'm married to somebody else who is allegic to turkey....and he is a turkey!

Francine said...

Wow my blog must really suck. It's the only blog on the earth that you don't have a link to. Please tell me what I must do to become linkable:)

Ben said...

You have to post more then once a month to start! ;-)

Lisa said...

I too had allergy tests done. I was pretty much allergic to everything, mainly cats and dust and such. But I also found out that i am very allergic to chicken. Still eat it though, doesnt seem to affect me all that much. Ah well. I figure with time allergies go away and change. Over time, allergies usually do become less and less severe. Im allergic to customers, mainly I find the reaction affects my attitude. i think if I got the tests done again, i would have a severe reaction to people.

Anonymous said...

hi ben, Just be thankful that your were not allergic to dish samantha. It's never been proven but she claims it true. love mom-in-law

Sara said...

Ben, I know exactly what you are taking about. I have had so many of those allergy tests done that I can't count them. One option you might want to consider is getting allergy shots. When I was a kid I was allergic to everything under the sun, but I got allergy shots and now I'm only allergic to a few things. It usually takes away those allergies that aren't so eggs. But you probably already know all this and I'm just rambling. But take it from an allergy bag herself, they aren't fun, so take your allergy pills! Don't be stubborn like me and deal with a runny nose all the time instead of taking a little pill!

John MacDonald said...

I know what you mean ben... Cause I'm allergic to old blog posts! Nothing else though BWAHAH...

Robbie Sevilla said...

I did the allergy test too a while back but they pricked those needles on my forearms (50 things on each)...although I didn't have to pay for it.

Anyway, Ben you're the're strong and you'll find a way to keep eating what you're always eating

Darrell said...

I think that I am developing a allergy to country music... just kidding (inside joke).

Francine said...

You sure do get a lot of comments! Speaking of posting more than once a month.........

Ben said...

There aren't as many as it seems, you account for 3 of them!