Monday, November 01, 2010

New Blog

Well hello old friend! It has been far too long since I sat down to write a "blog" post. I've had good intentions to start blogging again a few times but they never seem to pan out and this might not either. I'm continually amazed at how God really does make all things new and the encouragement and growth that can stem from newness in life. For example I have started a new job. I am no longer in full time pulpit ministry which is kind of strange. I spent 4 years in school preparing to do that ministry and exactly 4 years in that ministry as a paid staff. Now I'm back at the school! I am the new Director of Admissions at Maritime Christian College. I am loving it so far, it is very busy but that is good. Still trying to figure most of it out but I am processing some applications so that is a good thing for sure!

Speaking of new things, I have a new baby boy on the way soon! Easton Benjamin Foreman will be with us sometime in early December if he doesn't decide to drop in on us early. Getting his new room cost me my old office which means my leafs shine will have to move to my new office at the college. Well some of it, my goal for my new office at the college is for it not to look like an 8 year old's office so nice, classy looking stuff can come, Mr. Potato Head has to stay in a box :-(

And one last new thing, I have started growing a new mustache today! Not just to bug my wife though that is a bonus but to raise awareness and money for prostate cancer research. It's called Movember and you can check it out here. It's pretty clean cut today but here is a preview of what it could be!


Anonymous said...

Since when does a bus seat make it onto the list of "nice classy things" for your new office?
;) "anonymous"

Ben said...

unfortunately the bus seat didn't make the move... I still have to go get it but it will likely end up in the shed... so sad.