Thursday, April 14, 2005


So we’re still in the middle of finals and papers here and last night I was working on one of my many papers when all of the sudden I get a msn message from a friend of mine that read: “It’s you!” and then had a link that contained my e-mail address in its text. I thought that it might be a picture or something so I clicked on it, only to find that it was another one of those stupid viruses that totally mess up your system and send the virus to everyone on your contact list! I frantically tried to stop the thing and got signed out of msn before it was able to send the virus to everyone. So then I was up until almost two working on virus scans and getting my system cleaned out and everything else. I’ll probably wipe my hard drive once school is finished.

But man does it ever tick me off! Who has so little to do with their time that they sit around and make up these freaking viruses?!!! Sometimes I would really like to have a “conversation” with these guys. This is certainly not the time for this to happen. I still have a lot of writing to do and I need my computer to work. It seems pretty stable at the moment; every once in a while things kind of go wonky on me.

So I guess my point is that these cyber savvy morons are out there and want to mess up your computer. So when you’re on msn talking with your friends or even if you are set to away or whatever. If someone sends you a link, ask them if it’s safe before you touch it. If they don’t respond then don’t open it. Now I need to get back to trying to get my work done. Have a nice day and I hope yours is going better than mine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


So it snowed last night... a lot (which is, in fact, two words. It’s not “alot,” it’s “a lot”) and it seems that spring has taken a day off. Coming into the part of the year where I need a lot of motivation I really don’t need a bunch of wet, messy, snow and gray bleakness outside! Sheesh! I mean, I thought we were done with this stuff for another year! Oh well, I guess it doesn’t make much sense to complain about the weather. Not much one can do about it. At least I can’t. This spring is just messed right up. And you know what it is? You may have thought that I would drop this by now but… no chance! I know what it is. It is because there is NO HOCKEY! We should be in play-offs now! But no! We’re still in lock-out mode and the season is, and has been, shot. And it still sucks. This year was the Leafs year too! I know it! MAN! And so without hockey the world’s weather has been thrown off balance… or at least Canada’s weather… or at least Charlottetown’s weather… bring back our game.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Have you ever settled? Compromised? Aimed below the bar? I have. In fact I tend to make it a habit sometimes. It’s something that I struggle with. For example I just finished a paper tonight that I would call “mediocre.” I think it is one of those papers that you pass in, get back and show no one. I just read it and it stinks, but I still have a ton more to write and I can’t redo it. But I hate that. I’ve put a bunch of stuff off, yet again, and now I have to cram it all in and do a crappy job and I don’t want to! Because I can do better. I should do better.

I’m not sure why but I can be a major slacker sometimes. And it’s not the way I was brought up because both of my parents and my brother are very hard workers. And I am too when I want to be. But when It comes to stuff that is just for me like getting high grades or even keeping a clean room I just kind of leave it sometimes. It needs to change.

I believe that God made me a capable person. I believe that He’s made all capable to accomplish great things. He made me with a twisted mind and has given me gifts to use it and I need to. I really believe that when we shoot for the stars we can accomplish incredible things! Anyone can! And yet we look into the mountains that wait for us to conquer them and then what… what do we do? What do I do? I settle, I say “no that is too big for me, someone else will get that one.” NO! Frig that! If there is a mountain before me then I want to be the one to conquer it! Not someone else, it’s the mountain I was meant to climb! Why because it’s in my path and I can do it!!! Because God doesn’t make mountains I can’t climb. He can do incredible things through me. And he can do incredible things through you. No matter who you are reading this. God can use you and He wants to. Will you let Him. I plan on it.

There is a sound byte on an awesome blog that I have stumbled upon and you need to listen to it. The whole thing. Its not that long and wait until the sound stops, not the music because there is a final statement that you need to hear. The man speaking is Erwin McManus. You need to listen to it. And add this blog to your favorites while you’re at it. Its great. Here’s the link:

Please don’t settle for anything less than everything God has for you.

Monday, April 04, 2005

A Good Day With a Great Start.

Yesterday was a good day. I need to openly admit that lately my prayer life stinks. Most of the time it has been either a quick "God, help me get through this," or "God, please grant me this or that," or "God, please forgive me for being a complete idiot! Or not trusting you, or not spending time with you or treating the bible only as a text book!" (That was a longer one) But Yesterday was different and what I hope to continue in. Yesterday I woke up feeling tired due to the time change and I just felt like crap. I got up and took a shower. Got dressed and began to go over my sermon I was to preach that day. I was in my apartment alone feeling a weight I can't really explain on my shoulders. I put my sermon and my bible down and I let it all out. I finally had a long over-due good lengthy chat with the creator. I talked to him about everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I, for once, didn't just make a wish list but, thanked and praised God for all that He is and all that He does in my life. I talked about concerns and things that are going well and just had a wonderful time talking to God. What a relaxing, uplifting reviving experience it is to talk to the creator of the universe and know He hears you as an individual. There is power in it. I can't tell you how much better I felt.

I then prayerfully went over my sermon and text, drove out to Clyde River and delivered it and it went quite well. I had lunch with my lovely bride to be, and we drove out to Breadalbane so I could lead the service out there. That little congregation gives me more encouragement then they are aware of I am sure. I returned home after that and didn't even have time to get my shoes off before I found out that I had ice time at 6 at Simmons Arena! YES!!! My hockey season lives on!!!! I was so pumped. So I went out and played hockey that evening. Then after I got cleaned up, a bunch of us went to dairy queen. Yum. And finally I spent the rest of the evening with Jacquelyn. A good day that started with a change of attitude and the help of God.

Prayer is too important, too much of a help, and too much of a privilege to pass up. We need to talk to God and allow him to talk to us through quiet time and His word. He will bless you and there is power in the time spent with God.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Let me put it in writing

Yesterday Terri Schiavo passed away, 13 days after her feeding tube had been removed. If ever there was an issue where people are divided, folks, this is it. And I stand somewhere in the middle of it all. I don't think it appropriate to artificially keep someone alive for the sake of having them around but I don't like how this was done. They could not just end her life for her as she must die of natural cause. But, I'm sorry. Starving to death is not a natural cause! If ever someone was found dead, an autopsy was performed, and they concluded that the person had starved to death the news paper headline would never read: "Man dies of natural cause." So I'm torn because I don't believe in mercy killing, but I don't think artificial life is right either. It's so hard, if a dog was not living in the proper health and quality of life, we would "put them out of their misery" but when it is people, we don't or can't or whatever. Now I am not saying that Terri Schiavo was in "misery," as I am moving to the broader scope of things but I don't know... I wouldn't want to live like that... if you can call it "living."

At some point, in a situation like this, the person ceases to be them self. And should I ever reach the point where I am not the Ben Foreman you know then let me die. If I must starve then so be it. Do not let me linger here on earth, let me laugh on glory's side. I would much rather enjoy my new body in heaven as I worship my God than be a prisoner of my own body here on earth. So now it is in writing, let me die. If I cease to be myself then, as far as I'm concerned, I am dead already.

But to return to Terri Schiavo, let me say that I am very sorry that this has happened and I extend my deepest sympathy to the husband and family. And I am sorry that they are separate sides of the fence on this. I can't imagine how tough it must be for both sides.

So what do you think should have taken place. Is this the right thing? How can the system be improved? What do you think?