Friday, October 28, 2005

Blessed by Radio today

Today, just like the past two days, I woke up and did not pray but sighed. I grumbled to myself about the weather, how tired I am, and how much there is to get done. I complained about our incredibly messy apartment of which my room would take first place for messiness closely followed by the kitchen and bathroom. I have been in a sour mood for the past few days and as a result have not been productive or all that pleasant to be around I'm sure. We are just coming into the thick of mid-terms and papers and I already have assignments that are behind. Christmas is less than two months away so I'm trying to glean some of the joy that seems to radiate from my brother/roommate but to tell you the truth I'm finding it quite hard to be excited about it this year.

So I decided that I should clean up the kitchen because it was starting to stink... again and I put on "Walk in the word" to listen to while I did the dishes. And what did good old James MacDonald have for me today. Why a message about contentment in his series on Joy. It is really weird but most of the time when I tune in to walk in the word I find that James preaching right to me. This is a great message and I want to encourage you to tune in to it. It has really blessed my day and helped me, at least for today, change my attitude and choose joy. God has richly blessed me in so many ways it is just too hard to stay sour today.

I encourage you to click on "walk in the word" in my "links" list and click on today's broadcast to hear this message and any other message. More often than not it is a real blessing.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


It has been a little while since I've posted so let me just tell you a bit about what is running through my head today... HOCKEY!

I played 3 times on Friday and almost died from being so tired. It is so nice to be back into hockey season again. But I really need to wash my gear. I've been playing for a month now and don't always get the time or weather to air out my gear and I was informed by the guy next to me on the bench that I should seriously consider washing my gear because it was seriously making him sick! So its on the deck right now and I gave it some serious Fabreeze action. I might be playing tonight too... we'll see how I feel, how much money I have, and how much of my paper is done.

Also it is just nice to have NHL hockey back on TV. I love watching it. And the Leafs are on a 3 game winning streak so that is good. Everyone jumped on them right away when they lost a few to start but I knew we'd be fine. So that is good.

But now is my, much anticipated I'm sure, review of the "New NHL" as we know it.
Here is what I like:
I like the 2 line passes. I will tell you right now that in my heart of hearts I am a traditionalist but the no red line game is pretty exciting. I like that players are allowed to move up ice without being hooked or held back but players that are too slow to keep up. It allows skilled players to shine and really show what they can do. I like that Goalies gear is regulated so we don't have Garth Snow in his enormous pads filling the whole net because he isn't that quick. And I love the tag up offside that should never have been messed with in the first place.
But I'm afraid there are a few things I don't care for:
First of all Shoot outs are not hockey. No other sport does them except the oh so exciting game of soccer. Hockey is a team sport and should be won or lost as a team. I don't like that Defencemen can't do their job. Now forwards like 80 pound Martin St. Louis can stand in front of the net and there isn't a thing the defense can do because if they touch him, they will get a penalty. It is going to take the intensity out of the game. I also still don't understand what the point of limiting the goalie's play of the puck is all about. Most goaltenders don't do it well enough to even worry about it. In fact, I bet there are more goals when they do play the puck behind the net and so on.

The thing is, the NHL is trying to get people to watch Hockey after wasting an entire year arguing. So they have frigged with the game so it will be more exciting and people will watch. But in reality there was nothing wrong with the game! Remember the 2004 play-offs? If you didn't like it, you don't like hockey! Why would the NHL disrespect its loyal fans, especially those of us who hung in there from the lock out, by messing with the integrity of the game all to cater to fans who DON'T KNOW THE GAME! That is the new target, they want a new kind of fan I guess. But I'm not sure how they accommodate the "new and improved" fan when the whistle blows and no one in the building or watching at home has a sweet clue why the play stopped. Great move.

But hey, like I said, more than anything I'm just glad the NHL is back. If I can sit home and watch the leafs and Don Cherry's Coaches corner on CBC on a Saturday night. I'm a happy man.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Fought the Law... And I won!

Yes I fought the law... sort of... Let me explain. A few months ago, August 5th to be exact, I was pulled over by Charlottetown's finest. I pulled up to the stop sign by my apartment, where about half an hour earlier I saw someone else pulled over, I saw that I had time to pull out (after stopping) so I did. Then I see the lights flashing in my mirror so I pull over. The officer begins his song and dance but we're in the middle of an intersection so I have to pull around the corner. I end up moving again into a parking lot because he has no idea what to do with my out of province even though I explain that I am a student. He asked me if I knew why I was pulled over and I told him that I had no idea. He says I ran the stop sign and then held me up for almost half an hour getting me to move three times and had no idea what to do with me. Then he says you are getting a ticket for 70 bucks!

Now fast forward to yesterday when I took this issue to court because I did stop at that sign. And even if I hadn't, there was still no need to hold me up that long AND he should know what he was doing. So I ran all over town looking for a parking place, showed up good and early and waited for the worst. But luckily for me my case was "stayed" so I would say the City of Charlottetown had more important things to worry about then prosecuting me for stopping at a sign. So there you have it. Saving me 70 bucks and even more on insurance--because when points go down, insurance goes up--highlights my week already.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sleeping In

Man l love sleeping in. I have been so busy lately that I've made myself sick. I've been behind and over tired but this morning I decided that everything could wait a couple hours because I needed a rest. There is just something about waking up at 7 and not getting up, but rolling over. Sure there is lots to be done around here. My room has been more than disgusting since before camp started in July, I have more than enough school work to get caught up and start on, Sunday School lessons, and Youth Group prep all need to get done but rest is the priority of this Saturday because if I don't I'll die before I see graduation.

But alas, now it is 4 o'clock and I have yet to accomplish anything. Arg sometimes I wish I could get my rest in without time going by. Oh well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time for rest when I'm dead.

Off to work I go!