Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sleeping In

Man l love sleeping in. I have been so busy lately that I've made myself sick. I've been behind and over tired but this morning I decided that everything could wait a couple hours because I needed a rest. There is just something about waking up at 7 and not getting up, but rolling over. Sure there is lots to be done around here. My room has been more than disgusting since before camp started in July, I have more than enough school work to get caught up and start on, Sunday School lessons, and Youth Group prep all need to get done but rest is the priority of this Saturday because if I don't I'll die before I see graduation.

But alas, now it is 4 o'clock and I have yet to accomplish anything. Arg sometimes I wish I could get my rest in without time going by. Oh well, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time for rest when I'm dead.

Off to work I go!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Man, and you're not even married yet...and no kids. Wait until you're pushing 32 like me, you'll have lots of energy!