Friday, October 28, 2005

Blessed by Radio today

Today, just like the past two days, I woke up and did not pray but sighed. I grumbled to myself about the weather, how tired I am, and how much there is to get done. I complained about our incredibly messy apartment of which my room would take first place for messiness closely followed by the kitchen and bathroom. I have been in a sour mood for the past few days and as a result have not been productive or all that pleasant to be around I'm sure. We are just coming into the thick of mid-terms and papers and I already have assignments that are behind. Christmas is less than two months away so I'm trying to glean some of the joy that seems to radiate from my brother/roommate but to tell you the truth I'm finding it quite hard to be excited about it this year.

So I decided that I should clean up the kitchen because it was starting to stink... again and I put on "Walk in the word" to listen to while I did the dishes. And what did good old James MacDonald have for me today. Why a message about contentment in his series on Joy. It is really weird but most of the time when I tune in to walk in the word I find that James preaching right to me. This is a great message and I want to encourage you to tune in to it. It has really blessed my day and helped me, at least for today, change my attitude and choose joy. God has richly blessed me in so many ways it is just too hard to stay sour today.

I encourage you to click on "walk in the word" in my "links" list and click on today's broadcast to hear this message and any other message. More often than not it is a real blessing.


Spiderdan said...

Definitly worth tuning in

Anonymous said...

ahem .. *cough* OLD POST