Monday, April 04, 2005

A Good Day With a Great Start.

Yesterday was a good day. I need to openly admit that lately my prayer life stinks. Most of the time it has been either a quick "God, help me get through this," or "God, please grant me this or that," or "God, please forgive me for being a complete idiot! Or not trusting you, or not spending time with you or treating the bible only as a text book!" (That was a longer one) But Yesterday was different and what I hope to continue in. Yesterday I woke up feeling tired due to the time change and I just felt like crap. I got up and took a shower. Got dressed and began to go over my sermon I was to preach that day. I was in my apartment alone feeling a weight I can't really explain on my shoulders. I put my sermon and my bible down and I let it all out. I finally had a long over-due good lengthy chat with the creator. I talked to him about everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I, for once, didn't just make a wish list but, thanked and praised God for all that He is and all that He does in my life. I talked about concerns and things that are going well and just had a wonderful time talking to God. What a relaxing, uplifting reviving experience it is to talk to the creator of the universe and know He hears you as an individual. There is power in it. I can't tell you how much better I felt.

I then prayerfully went over my sermon and text, drove out to Clyde River and delivered it and it went quite well. I had lunch with my lovely bride to be, and we drove out to Breadalbane so I could lead the service out there. That little congregation gives me more encouragement then they are aware of I am sure. I returned home after that and didn't even have time to get my shoes off before I found out that I had ice time at 6 at Simmons Arena! YES!!! My hockey season lives on!!!! I was so pumped. So I went out and played hockey that evening. Then after I got cleaned up, a bunch of us went to dairy queen. Yum. And finally I spent the rest of the evening with Jacquelyn. A good day that started with a change of attitude and the help of God.

Prayer is too important, too much of a help, and too much of a privilege to pass up. We need to talk to God and allow him to talk to us through quiet time and His word. He will bless you and there is power in the time spent with God.


Anonymous said...

Well, I totally agree with you, so much can change when we add prayer back into our lives. It's really encouraging when we rediscover the goodness of what God has freely given us. These gifts include prayer and need to be used so that we can truly be in tune with him.

Lisa said...

Praying is awesome. One of the most awesome times in my day, is when I walk to and from work. Now that it's spring, i take the long route home. For the entire hour, I listen to worship tunes and pray. It seriously helps me focus my whole day. It is like my own personal worship service and I adore it

Lon said...

Hey Ben, thanks for the encouraging comments!

God truly is awesome!