Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back To School

Well, it is that time of year again when we all head back to school and if you're like me you head back to the bank to draw out every penny you have to your name so you can pay for it. I just finished paying for this semester and buying books and I have very little left. That really sucks but I guess that is the way it goes. What can ya do.

But broke or not this should be a good year. At Maritime Christian College we have great group of freshmen and then there are some returning students like myself and we're fixing to have a memorable year for sure. AND we have NHL hockey this year so who can complain really? I probably will! But not right now! Later Skaters.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben are you keeping the mo-hawk for the school year...

Ben said...

Already gone man, it was gone within hours.

Robbie Sevilla said...

Hey Benny, want to join a fantasy NHL thingy over the net? You know you want to.