Sunday, September 18, 2005


Wow, this sure is a dull place to be lately. And that last post has got to be the stupidest thing I have put on this thing. You see, the thing is I really don't have a lot of time to come up with interesting little things to put on this sucker because I am an insane kind of busy these days. Let me tell you about it. I've just started my Senior year at Maritime Christian College ( and already it is my toughest year yet. Add my job of being the youth minister at Sherwood Church of Christ to that and Jr. High Sunday school and I am one busy guy. I literally have hardly a moment to spare in my day other than Sunday afternoons (like this) where I force myself to slow down so I don't get sick. But I guess it's really not all that bad. I really enjoy most aspects of all of it and it is a means to an end... sort of.

But with all the busyness it really is amazing how time goes by without me really realizing it. I've been on PEI for what is now my fourth year and sometimes it feels like I just got here. And now there are "kids" from my youth group who are graduating and in class with me! Makes me feel old. And I'm not old, I'm turning 21 and a few days. That is not old. And I know it will be no time before Christmas is here and gone, second semester will be done, and I'll be married! Imagine that! Wow. I really wasn't sure what this was going to be when I started but I think I better quit... I need a nap or something... Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

James said...

You talking bad about Stevenson? he ain't no kid, he's a man remember that you old fart.
Love James