Thursday, February 08, 2007

Somthing Major

Not all that long ago you may recall (if you read this thing on a semi-to-regular basis) I had a post on my birthday that featured a video I made for my brother's wedding. The video is hosted by "Youtube" and thus is online for all the world to see. The song that plays along with the video is called "My brother and Me" by Charlie Major. Well, yesterday I received a message in my Youtube inbox and was notified by my regular e-mail. Now usually when I get these messages I hold my breath to see what curse word some jerk has sent me to tell me that I'm a moron, or gay or whatever cleaver insult they can come up with given a video I may or may not be in. But I was rather surprised and excited to find that the message was from Charlie Major himself. Saying he thought it was neat that his song was used in this way and appreciated. I couldn't believe it. He even marked the video as a favorite. I thought that was pretty cool that he took the time to do that. It made my day in a "Major" way.

Sorry about the pun.


Harley McCarville said...

Very Cool!

Spiderdan said...

Pretty amazing eh? I couldn't believe it.

Darrell said...

Thats "Majorly" Awesome... lol, fun stuff... hearing about that made me excited!

John MacDonald said...

That's really cool!