Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Just To Smile

Good evening class, how is everyone tonight? Good. This week's assignment... smile.

What a little thing that can make such a big difference. It's something that I certainly notice. People just don't smile that much anymore. I was at the superstore today with my brother getting our bi-weekly truck-load of food and when we came up to the cash the young lady there didn't seem to have a smile in her. I moved up in line, smiled at her, said hello and asked how she was. She kept ringing in my items and said "fine, how are you?" without looking up and continued. Then my brother approached with his "perm-a-grin" and enthusiastically greeted her only to get an identical response. It makes such a difference to me to be greeted with a smile. And it can turn around my day. But this poor girl couldn't even look up. Kind of sad.

I don't know what all this means really... but I thought someone should write about it!

1 comment:

Matt said...

I smiled when I found out about the NHL lockout...:)