Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Waiting in line

As some of you may know, I have acid reflux and as such I have to take 2 pills everyday of human life so I don't die of heart-burn. Well I ran out of pills and refills (that rhymes) yesterday so I had to go visit the clinic to get more. I really hate going to the walk in clinic mostly because you always have to wait forever and if you want to get in at all you have to show up an hour before the place even opens. Well, this is exactly what I did. I had been waiting behind like 10 people in line and then this car pulls in. A young lady and her outstanding hero of a citizen who I can only assume is her brother. Well, for those of you who never leave the house or have never been to the clinic, most people standing in that line are sick, not feeling well or haveing some need of some sort. And as we all stood in line this moron rolls down his window and smokes. And the smoke blows all over all of us. Including little children! What a creep, I was standing there vibrating thinking "does this idiot have an ounce of brains at all?" I mean, go smoke somewhere else! Like China or something! I have a bad habit, spitting, but I don't go around spitting on everyone! Come on! and then they get out of the car and stand in line right behind me. oh joy. He's done with the smokes though, now he pulls out a big wad of chewing tabacco and jams it into the front of his bottem lip and starts chewing away. The stuff reaks and he's spitting it all over the place! AHHHHH! I couldn't belive it, man people are dumb. Then the lady who works at the front desk braught us all sweet relief and let us in and away from this guy.

If you ask me, I think that you should only be allowed to smoke in your own home and no wheres near any other human beings who like their lungs. And as far as the chewing goes, why don't you do some research and see what else you can do to distroy your gums, mouth, and everything else!!! frig

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