Monday, September 18, 2006

Big Day

Yesterday was the definition of a "Big Day." Now this term, "big day" is one that is most often coined by my buddy Graham or brother Dan from home. I've asked before when they say, "have a big day!" what it means and the explanation is like: An exciting meaningful kind of day like a birthday or something. Well yesterday was a birthday of sorts. But not mine. Yesterday I had the opportunity to preach on worship to @ the Sherwood Church of Christ which is nothing too out of the ordinary as I am currently one of the preaching ministers there. The worship service was great and the sermon went well but what made this a BIG DAY was when my good buddy Andrew Burt came to the front before I preached to give me a hug and some wonderful news and following the sermon when he carried out this news when I baptized Andrew into Christ. Wow! What an amazing thing. I'm so proud of you Andrew! Then we went to Pizza Delight with his folks and off to camp Sunday.

At camp Sunday we watched a video made by the amazing Tyler MacDougall, had a worship time, a testimony, and a short message. THEN we made our way down to the beach where I had the wonderful opportunity to baptize Tyler. What an amazing day. You could feel a strong presence of God throughout the day and it was AWESOME. I'm truly thankful for these two men who have made their commitments. God bless you both.

What a BIG DAY!


Spiderdan said...

That is a BIG day!

randy said...

That is great news to hear. I am tingling all over and my eyes what when you told me about Burt. Congratulate Andrew and Tyler for. They were good guys on their own. Imagine what God will do with Andrew and Tyler now. Speachless!

Tyler said...

Well I'd hardly say "amazing" but thank you nonetheless! :)

And thanks again for being there Ben! Because without you, I don't know when I would have ever got baptised.