Friday, November 17, 2006

Ever feel like this?

Ever have the feeling that people are just trying to be negative? Trying to find something to complain about, waiting for someone to slip up? Waiting for that moment to pounce. There is a quote from the the first spider-man movie that says, "The one thing people love more then a hero, its to see a hero fail, fall... die trying." And we just love to attack and complain and criticize don't we? An article or two in the news paper was brought to my attention where two different people wrote about issues they had with the ceremony at the cenotaph last weekend. One felt that people should not have brought their dogs and seemed quite offended that people would do this. There was no mention however of the dogs being disruptive, loud, or wild. He just didn't like that they were there and felt their owners lacked good judgment and respect. Another actually wrote in complaining that some people had coffee at the ceremony with the article's title, "Are coffee cups needed at the cenotaph?" This was also an article feeling those who had their "Tim's" with them were disrespectful. However it doesn't seem like these folks were paying much attention to the ceremony themselves but rather scanning for something to complain to the editor of the newspaper about. I'll leave it to you to decide which you think is more "disrespectful."

I've often wondered how some people are offended so easily but I think it may be that some, for whatever reason, actually enjoy taking offense and want something to gripe and complain about. A reason to tear into someone else or belittle them. Maybe even really others against them. It is sad.

Here is the worst part however. When offense is taken, is it natural to approach the person who offended you and discuss your problem with them? No. Its to talk to other people about how terribly offensive this person (or persons) is and maybe even write to the freaking news paper about it. Rally the troops and attack.

Imagine if we took some of that energy and tried to encourage one another, build one another up, and if need be rebuke one another in a loving way. Imagine if we had a problem with someone and didn't trash them, but spoke to them like a person, IN PERSON. Wow, that would cool.


Spiderdan said...

Cool and Biblical, good post. Be encouraged brother! (I mean that in every sense)

Harley McCarville said...

that would be cool ... easy to judge others but not so easy to be honest when we judge ourselves ... Also cool was the score of the Leafs game last night!!!

James Clarke said...

I'm offended!

*tells everyone else*

Lisa said...

Um.. today a customer verbally attacked me, and degraded me, and told me how horrible I am at my job. I just cried. He asked me why I was just standing there not working, and all I could say as the tears began to flow was 'because I am scared of you and if I say or do anything you'll just be rude anyway'. I really did nothing wrong, he was just a rude bitter man who needed to hurt someone. I went outback and prayed that God would help me to love that man. Because all I wanted to do was open up a can of verbal wooop a** on that man. But now, I dont want to hurt him anymore.

Samara Ashley said...

That is crazy! I don't like it when people are like that

John MacDonald said...

ummm isn't that what Mr. Ben was taking about? You're talking about this guy to others etc.

Trooper said...

This is what I've been saying all a long. If you have a problem with someone, gossiping about it, is only going to make it worse and more complicated. just confront them ,(in a loving calm way) and be honest.

Lisa said...

um, i was not really trying to gossip. I wasnt trying to make the man seem bad or anything. I was just saying what happend. As far as the old man goes, he just needs Jesus. Sorry to gossip tho

Anonymous said...

A wise, older man, once told me "that it is just as much a sin to take offence as it is to give offence" ... it is a difficult life we Christians must consider, in our walk.

Anonymous said...

The Picture says it all does it not. I've felt like that and wonder if others were made to feel that way because of me HUUUUMMMMM!

Harley McCarville said...

It's hard to maintain the fine line between sharing a difficult day (or situation)without placing judgement or assuming the "reason why" someone else did what they did. But it's what we must do. As fellow christians we also need to be there for each other. The christian walk is a difficult one ... but it is well worth it!