Saturday, March 05, 2005

Feeling the Pressure

So now we’re rolling right deep into March and man I am feeling some mega stress and pressure! I literally have 20 freaking papers to write before school ends, I have to try my best to figure out what I am doing for employment for the summer and long term, I’m leading a youth group series on sex starting this week, we only have one more week of hockey on Friday nights, and I’m sick!! Oh man talk about pressure, how about the pressure that is making my head feel like it’s gonna explode! But as much as I could sit here and freak out (and I’m almost done) like I am, really I know that God is good, he is in control, and I am ok. He says he will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and we can do all things because of the strength he lends. (Philippians 4:13) So even though things seem to be piling up and I’m not always sure where my path is leading, God does, so it’s ok. Because ultimately my plans are centered on him so I am sure for success! (Proverbs 16:3)


Robbie Sevilla said...

March, yupperz, is the pressure month for most of us. Hey, Benny, have I ever told you that you're my hero? Well I know you're going to do well any day of the week when a problem faces you. And it's things like that that encourages others (like moi) to try or to do the same. Hope that by next week your head won't explode. Because if it does...mine might explode too. o_O PEACE

Anonymous said...

I think you are fake and that everything you and you're brother do is a lie, and you're jokes are not funny. Stop torturing us with them.

Anonymous said...

PS. plus you are not a good friend.

Anonymous said...

hey ben
I think that whoever is saying all of this stuff is the jerk (thats my oppinion though)and you are a great person and whoever is saying all of this obviosly doesn't know the real you.

P.S. I like your jokes they make me and my friends laugh.