Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A place and people I love

I have just returned home from New Bruswick where I had been for a week and I had a blast. The reason for my venture home was so I could head out on our anual "Dads n' Lads" fishing trip on Manes Lake. From Wednesday to Friday there was no phones, electricity, problems @ home, NOTHING! But the camp, the lake, fishin, cards, and the Foreman Men. I love it there. When you're at the camp, the world could end and you would never know. It is just peaceful. I also got to spend some quality time with my Dad, brother, Uncle, and cousins. Some of which I hardly every see except at the camp. I had to miss my trip last year so it made this year all the more enjoyable. Just a great week. Before I left for the camp I got to spend an afternoon and evening with my mom which was good. And just before I headed for PEI I got to spend some quality time with My Grandmother which was long overdue and very enjoyable. Family is one of the greatest things in the world and mine is an amazing blessing to me. We're not perfect but we love each other and I hope we can strive for perfection as a family unit.

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