Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back at it

Hello there faithful readers. It has been a few days since I posted and that whole Roberts thing didn't really pan out. Oh well, thats the way it goes I guess. Life has certainly been busy and interesting over the past few weeks with camp going on as well as a Wedding in between. Getting back to the office seems strange after two weeks of running around non-stop. It was a good time ministering to the kids as well as hanging out with the counselors. And as long as you are reading about my boring life, here is an interesting story:

On the Thursday of the last camp I was swimming about 12 8 & 9th grade girls in from the raft at the camp. I swim on my back in front of them so I can see everyone and also if we encounter any trouble I am the first to hit it. And so I was, indeed, first. The first one to touch a jellyfish. Now this is not that big of a deal but when I bumped into it I warned the others by calling out, "Jellyfish!" This word in the language of the Jr High girl means "FREAK OUT." Although they may have done so with good reason as when I turned around to see the jelly I had touched I found an amazing school of Jellyfish floating our way and in a matter of seconds we were completely surrounded by jellyfish. It was like we weren't even swimming in water but jellies instead. It was crazy, never in my life have I ever seen jellyfish like that.
But here is the good news, 9 out of 10 jellies were white which means they can't sting. But this does not matter to Jr. High girls. It was still really really freaky. Anyways to make a long story short it took us quite a while to swim in and I did so with several people attatched to my arms and back. I was wiped let me tell you!

So thats whats up in my life. Chow.


John MacDonald said...

Bwahahhahahaa. That made my day. Oh not to nit pick but it's ciao not chow... Unless you were eating, which you may have been.

| TTFn |

Katherine Karen said...

hahaha wow.
I'm pretty sure Ben's aware.

James said...

Whatever Foreman, I saw you screaming with the girls, crying for help!
Just joking, you were a hero and so you should be commended for it.
Good Job.

Love James

Anonymous said...

I was totally flashing back to the jellyfish scenes in Finding Nemo and Sphere while reading this! Fortunately, there were no jellyfish incidents at the Deer Island camp this year.


Samara Ashley said...

Wow that story was great, You hero! You saved them from the non-dangerous jellyfish. Knowing me I will swim right into the ones that swim >_<