Friday, November 26, 2004

So much for wisdom

Well I'm sitting here at my computer next to my bed where my beautiful girlfriend is resting after just having all four wise teeth out. She's got ice on either side of her face, gaze in her mouth and a rag to wipe drool and blood. She is as lovely as ever! I JUST TOOK HER PICTURE! But it's absolutely no fun at all. I remember when I had mine done. It wasn't very pleasant. Of course while I was under the gas I sat strait up and spat all over everyone and everything so she was a much better patient then me.

And as I keep checking on her, helping her with her ice, her packing, her pills, and just making sure she is comfortable I feel so bad for her and how uncomfortable she must be. I wish I could just make it all go away or just take it myself. And I'm reminded, somewhat, of how God must feel when he looks down on us. We have caused our own suffering. We hurt and kill one another and treat each other poorly. He saw this hopeless situation we made for ourselves, and sent his only son to take the pain of the world so we could enter paradise with him in heaven. And I think of how I would react if Jacquelyn (my girlfriend) pushed me away, refused my help and aid, and just wallowed in her own pain refusing any help from anyone. How would I feel... Rejected, upset, maybe a little angry or resentful. And how many of us would return to offer that same help and aid again? But God is still waiting for us to let him help. He's even waiting for the ones who have spat in his face to accept his help which is better known as salvation. We just need to be wise enough to accept it.

Jacquelyn and I have both accepted this help from the Lord. Even without a wise tooth between us. What about you? I pray that you will.

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