Monday, November 08, 2004


Ever gone to the grocery store in shorts when it’s right cold out? I have! And thus it is laundry day. Because everything in the free world that I own is dirty and I’m out of Fabreeze! It’s pretty sick really. That I would even let my room get to the point where it smells so bad. But Ben, you say. Why don’t you just throw it all in a closet so it wont stink up your room. Good question. Because my hockey gear that has been rained on 9 times is in there and if that kind of a stink gets on my clothes it will NEVER come out! I can just imagine all the sickness of germs and bacteria that live in my room and hockey bag. Oh well, I can’t talk about that anymore I have to go out in my shorts and find a store that sells Fabreeze!

Smell ya later… if you can’t smell me from there that is…frig.


ECbran said...

That's downright nasty man! By the way, you should probably catch your socks before they start crawling away

Charlottetown Pop said...

and you wonder why i dont come over.. i almost fainted when i walked into dave.m's house yikes.. and his stuff was outside:P

now that you are fabreeze friendly..i may grace you with my presence

Robbie Sevilla said...

What I should say is....hey Ben wanna have a stink smell y room contest? I think I would beat you by 10 noses? What do you think?