Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Christian CD's

So I just went out and bought the brand new reliant K CD cleverly titled "MMHMM" and I 'm very pleased with it. Just like most of Relient K's stuff it is very good. I also purchased, for the second time, the bundle of reliant K's "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right But 3 Do" and their Christmas album. But Ben, why would you buy it twice? I'm so glad you asked! Because last year I took 5 of my favorite CD's on a road trip and when I returned I put them down on the table in the front of the foyer at Maritime Christian College beside the rest of my stuff and sometime in between the time I put them there and returned for them they were removed and have not been located since. (That was a 4 line run-on sentence that started with because. Grammar teachers everywhere are cringing!) And my two left's CD was in that group. It is the first one of the bunch that I have replaced. I've not decided what to do with the Christmas one yet. The others I need to replace, just for your information, are: Third Day Offerings II, 7 Places, Downhere So much for substitutes, and 3 Doors Down's latest. So if anyone wants to replace them for me just add a comment and we'll get in touch so you can make your generous donation.

ALSO! I would just like to mention that I HATE those stupid stickers they put on Christian CD's! You know those things that never come off in 9 peels that make it impossible to open your CD until it is off. Who and what are these for? It took me 20 minutes to break into my new CD and it doesn't start my new music listening experience off on a high note. Yeah so someone should do something about that and not just complain about it... That person is not me.

One last thought: Ever notice how most of the Christian Artists are much more talented Musicians then mainstream. Most popular artists can't play more than 3 chords and can't sing live. Most of the Christian ones can. I've noticed that.

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