Thursday, June 30, 2005

Divine Intervention

2 days ago I picked up my lovely bride to be from work like I normally do at 2:00pm and usually we head back to the office so she can drop me off and head of to do whatever it is she wants to do to occupy her afternoon. But on this day I dropped her off at my apartment and headed to the office only to get a few things. Upon my return I went up the stairs and opened my door and could hear a constant chirping. And to my surprise I found that She had a baby bird in my apartment!

I barged in and asked rhetorically, "IS THAT A BIRD?!!" Which scared the stupid thing and made him bounce in behind the television. She captured the bird and informed me that we we're going to take him to the vet college (she had just got off the phone with them) so they could fix him up, call his parents, and do whatever it is they do over there. So we stuck him (or maybe it was a her, I couldn't tell) in a box and drove him over and said good-bye. Jacquelyn refrained from naming the bird. She then told me about how she found the bird on the back step. It appeared that it had been abandoned and there are several cats all over our area, not exactly the safest place in the world for a baby bird who can't fly! So Jacquelyn intervened, scooped up the bird and took him under her "wing." The bird didn't quite understand what was going on I'm sure and looked more than a little scared by times but ultimately this was the best thing for the bird.

It makes me wonder how much God does that for us... God must direct our paths and protect us from so many things we could never see or understand. And just like for this little bird, a power goes up that is bigger than us and we cannot see or understand it. But it's there. Be sure to offer thanks to God for the many ways he visibly touches your life, and thank him for the many ways I'm sure, that we never see at all.


Anonymous said...

That's really cool. It reminds me of one of my favourite passages from Matthew 6 because it talks about how God cares for the birds each day and provides for them when he loves us so much more and we thank him by worrying! Sadly, I'm a worrywart and that passage always makes me feel better. God's looking after us! (Tell Jacquelyn I said hi, I was with her and Anna at eXalt when we came to watch your hockey game) :) See ya.

Anonymous said...

Dude! your Post is Old!!!