Saturday, June 04, 2005

I Blew it!

I have just returned from "Souled Out" 2005 and it was a blast. And I think all the youth and youth leaders alike had a great time. By and large it was a lot of fun but I did come back however with a story of disappointment. You see they called all youth leaders who were willing to do something stupid for a prize to the stage so naturally I ran right up. Then they showed us a lovely air hockey table that would be donated to the youth group of the winner of the contest. The contest was then given to the leaders, that being cram a bunch of jaw breakers in your mouth and in two minutes and see who could blow the biggest bubble! So I'm chewing like a mad man trying to get the gum soft enough that I could blow a bubble let alone a good big one! I had a little comfort being at the end of the line and being sure I would have a little extra time to get my gum good and soft before they got to me. Well that didn't happen, because they decided that they would start at the end of the line so instead of being second to last, now I was second! Each contestant got to trys at blowing the best bubble. The first guy blew two that were about the same size but not very big which was understandable since the gum was likely still quite hard. Then came my turn. I had been chewing furiously till my mouth was aching trying to get a good bubble going and blew one good enough to get the lead but still not very big. And then when I began my second bubble I totally “blew it” and didn’t really get much of anything going. And so I lost the table, woe is me.

However I did sort of redeem myself by catching one of the several balls thrown into the crowd because the one I caught, and quickly handed off to one of the youth, was one of the two that won a prize. The prize my ball won was a mega huge 5 pound Hershey Chocolate Bar. So it wasn’t a total loss. Would have been nice to get that table though… sigh.


Spiderdan said...

Yup, you blew it all right, too bad Sherwood doesn't have somebody good to win them stuff.

Robbie Sevilla said...

But you got a chocolate bar? A CHOCOLATE BAR!!!!!!

Chelsey Lee said...

haha.. smooth dan.. real smooth!!!:P