Thursday, June 16, 2005

Now This is a Rant

Just a few things I need to get out, I know I rant and rave on this thing all the time but there are a few things that I need to talk to you about...

Birthday calendars, what is with these birthday calendars? And "friends networks," what is this?! It's just a freaking company that wants to sell your AND MY information to internet companies. Can't you see that?! Furthermore, why in world do you even want to know my birthday? Are going to get me a gift?! And if it is a "friends" network (aww lets not lose touch) you obviously have my e-mail, don't want to lose touch? Send me a note!! Do not send me a freaking web information window that I have to fill out my name, address, blood type etc. If we are friends then why don't you just e-mail me like I'm a human being or call or something! Man! Don't send anymore of this crap.

Smoking, does everyone in the world smoke now? I was dropping off my bride to be at work yesterday and while this very clever woman stood right out in the middle of the road taking to the equally clever crossing guard she was smoking a cigarette and then blowing the smoke right down on her child that was in a stroller. HELLO! You are filling your tiny little girl's lungs with tar! I mean, it's one thing to fill your own stupid lungs that you obviously don't care about with disease but to do it to a little child who is strapped in and can't get away. Its sick! It should be illegal! And where do kids get cigarettes by the way? Every time I drive by the schools of Charlottetown I see some 12 year old, who thinks they are very cool, smoking, You're not cool! You look ridiculous!

Construction, I know that summer means Construction but some of the people we have working on the roads need to become more aware of their surroudings. I was pulling down a side street to get back on to University Ave. And there was this guy with one of those orange vests with his wheelbarrow full of stuff and he was standing there with his hands in his pockets while his wheelbarrow sat (no kidding) right in the middle of the road. There was no one on the road but him and I and there he stood doing nothing while this thing is right in my way!! COME ON! I had to drive almost up on the sidewalk to get around and he looks at me like I'm the crazy one!

Shopping, I'm not always a big fan but it is even worse when the service is poor. I mean, what ever happened to service with a smile. I was getting some pictures developed at shoppers drug mart the other day and I could hardly peel the girl behind the counter from her book to punch in the code so I could place my order. She was very put out each time she had to get up and DO HER JOB! She was very rude and less than helpful, I was scanning the store to find a manager or a suggestion box to suggest that they hire some better help!

And I don't know which one of you has your shoes off but you better put your shoes back on cause you're making your mother sick!

Well, that's all for now, I feel much better. ahhh.


Spiderdan said...

Ha ha ha! (making your mother sick) too funny. I'm with you on just about everything there bro.

Sara said...

I enjoyed that, it feels good when you're not the only one ranting!

ECbran said...

Before you get mad at everyone sending you these emails saying "you're invited!!:)" just let me say one thing in your friends' defense; not everyone knows that they're sending these things. I virus wormy thingy (sounds icky) will get access to your email and send them out to your friends, without one's knowledge. So if you ever get an anything from me saying "i like you, join my club!" just delete it and have a good laugh. Now, there are morons in the world who purposely send these things out and i think those morons should be shot. .yeah sounds good. So now that i've made a fool of you. ..heh heh heh. .i'll be leaving. .now. .

Anonymous said...

Im too lazy to sign on, but its becky. I must say that i feel for that shoppers girl. Working at wal mart I too had moments of complete sadness. My day was total crap and yes, i to was rude to the customers, but it does not mean that im incomptent or heartless: it means that im not perfect. I think you should see past that next time and try to understand, for, i can assurely say that she was probably ranting about work and how her life is horrible.