Monday, September 27, 2004

But you're a jerk and I still like you...

It would seem in life sometimes no matter how much you care or how hard you try some people just don't like you and there isn't a thing you can do about it. For whatever reason it is you have done something to this person or maybe they have just been informed about what kind of a terrible person you are and that's that.

Well I would like to offer this. I cannot dislike, or like for that matter, a person I do not know. If you are going to dislike someone it should not be based on an islolated incident or a first impression. If you're gonna dislike someone, get to know them first and then really dislike them!

Not to say that I myself have never made a snap judgment about someone on a whim but as someone who is often misunderstood and terrible at first impressions I plead with you to hold your judgment and also to be pleasant either way.

AND... Before I come down of this soap-box I would like ask that if you have a problem with someone that you just approach them to work it out. Don't just gossip about it! Too often the last person to hear of the trouble is the person the trouble is with and rarely is it brought to that person by the one offended! If you have a problem with me, come to me first. If I have a problem with you, I will come to you first. Ok? Ok.

I mean, I don't gossip myself. But the people I tell tell everyone!

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