Sunday, September 12, 2004

Hockey's on and I've got Class!!!

Well the world cup is on, Canada is doing well, and there is play-off atmosphere going on! What could go wrong. Well, incase you are reading this and don't know me at all, the title hardly suggests that I am a classy individual. World cup final game is on tuesday night and so is my first Psycology class! Yeah, a 3 hour night class! Lucky me. Not to mention that this is the last hockey we're gonna see for a while folks. The looming lock-out is still upon us and is GOING to happen. Does that ever suck! Man, nothing is going right in my life! Ha ha, just kiddin... mostly. Anyways i'll need a whole new post to gripe on that one. So GO CANADA GO! I'll be supporting you from Class unless i skip class... theres an idea... may sleep on that one... Goodnight!

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