Wednesday, December 08, 2004


We don't have to be thankful for everything that happens, but we can be thankful in it. A lesson that I contantly need to be reminded of. I've found myself complaining and looking on the negitive side of life way too much when I have way too much to be thankful for. Sure, there are always things in life that get you down, but you can always be thankful in all things.

Thankful in all things? Why? I'll tell you why! Because God is good, God is in control, and God loves and cares for us. Even in strife... especially in strife! And He will carry you through if you let him. Even when life seems terrible, God is there, and He is in control. AND GOD IS GOOD! Just ask Job, he'll tell ya! Even if all is stripped away, you can still have a relationship with the creator of the universe and that is more than one could ever ask. I am thankful for that today.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Tim Horton Posted by Hello

Well it must be Christmas eh Tim?

Well Christmas must finally be here. I could see it coming but I wasn't quite sure... Lights up... displays up in stores... Christmas songs on the radio... but now I know for sure. Because today when I picked up my double double from Tim Hortons it was in the "Tim Hortons Christmas Cup." Yes-sir-ree, that is the for sure sign that Christmas must be here. So enjoy your Christmas season... I'm going to enjoy my coffee.

Merry Christmas Tim
I love your Coffee and I love your Leafs.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Well folks it is that time of year again when papers are due, exams are coming up and time is running out. A time of amazing amounts of STRESS. It's overtime in game 7 so either finish it up quick or be the sudden death loser. Yikes. Everything is building up and I think I'm gonna freak out. And it isn't just school that is putting stress in my life. Part of it as you may have read is Christmas shopping whereas I am still looking for some gifts that have alluded me so far. Part of it is the fact that the weather has been so crappy most of the time. And a big part of it is that the NHL is still in "lockout mode" and I need more hockey in my life! AHHH! But it will all be ok. Because stress is all in how you deal with it. So let us all go to our "happy place" and let stress go far away. This is how I get stress relief right now, I encourage you to check it out:

It is amazing how this little thing can improve your day!

Monday, November 29, 2004

This is the type of thing we are taking out of schools... Just imagine the things that are making their way in. Posted by Hello

When Did Jesus Get Expelled?

When was it and who decided to kick Christ out of school? That's what I want to know! I came across a story a few weeks ago that almost made me physically ill. That the school board in Nova Scotia decided to can the "operation Christmas Child" program because of its affiliation with Evangelist Franklin Graham.

CBC Reports:

Operation Christmas Child sends gift boxes to children in wartorn and impoverished countries around the world. The charity is run by evangelical minister, Franklin Graham. You may remember he attracted thousands to his religious festival in Halifax just last month. As Jack Julian tells us, the school board says the charity has no place in city schools.

But I can see their point... There is no room for Christianity in our schools. Christ taught us things like loving our neighbor and sharing with one another. He told us that killing and stealing were wrong. These things are appalling and should not be taught to young people... GIVE ME A BREAK! And Christians are the ones who are intolerant? Come on! Even if you don't believe in God or don't believe Jesus was who he said he was, this is an organization that gives gifts to kids at Christmas time who otherwise wouldn't receive anything! Pulling the number of people involved, thus pulling presents out of these poor little kids hands. It makes me sick. It really does.

It just goes to show you how far we are pulling our world down the tubes when you can't even give a poor little kid with nothing something for Christmas without oppression. I really don't know how these people sleep at night.

But the thing is that Christ paid the price on the cross for these people too. And even if it does make me sick to my stomach when these things happen it is my prayer that they, too, will see how sin has destroyed our world and put us in a terrible way but Jesus saved us and offers this salvation all. This includes the corrupt oppressors, those in the pews, those kids in poverty and those kids in class. No wonder this fictional letter was passed around e-mail for so long, it really makes you think:

Dear God, Why didn't you save those kids in the school shooting?
Signed: Concerned Student.

Dear Concerned Student, I'm not allowed in the School.
Signed: God

Friday, November 26, 2004

So much for wisdom

Well I'm sitting here at my computer next to my bed where my beautiful girlfriend is resting after just having all four wise teeth out. She's got ice on either side of her face, gaze in her mouth and a rag to wipe drool and blood. She is as lovely as ever! I JUST TOOK HER PICTURE! But it's absolutely no fun at all. I remember when I had mine done. It wasn't very pleasant. Of course while I was under the gas I sat strait up and spat all over everyone and everything so she was a much better patient then me.

And as I keep checking on her, helping her with her ice, her packing, her pills, and just making sure she is comfortable I feel so bad for her and how uncomfortable she must be. I wish I could just make it all go away or just take it myself. And I'm reminded, somewhat, of how God must feel when he looks down on us. We have caused our own suffering. We hurt and kill one another and treat each other poorly. He saw this hopeless situation we made for ourselves, and sent his only son to take the pain of the world so we could enter paradise with him in heaven. And I think of how I would react if Jacquelyn (my girlfriend) pushed me away, refused my help and aid, and just wallowed in her own pain refusing any help from anyone. How would I feel... Rejected, upset, maybe a little angry or resentful. And how many of us would return to offer that same help and aid again? But God is still waiting for us to let him help. He's even waiting for the ones who have spat in his face to accept his help which is better known as salvation. We just need to be wise enough to accept it.

Jacquelyn and I have both accepted this help from the Lord. Even without a wise tooth between us. What about you? I pray that you will.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

8 items or less

Christmas shopping is something that can be very easy or very stressful. Mine is mostly done now so that is a happy thing because I really hate going to the mall and especially wall-mart in December. I had my shopping for this holiday season partially done in July so that makes it easy. Because I, personally, cannot stand it when I'm stuck in a crowd trying to push my way through to get what I need so I can get out of the stinking mall and back to my real life. My ankles were not meant for carts to smash into them, and even though you may apologize for hitting my ankle and I will accept your apology... in my mind I am picking you and your cart up over my head and throwing you off a bridge! I know that seems harsh but like I always say: "tough but fair." I just have no patience for shopping this time of year. I really don't have much patience period. If I must, for some reason, find myself in a mall in December I like having a relaxed mind knowing that I don't have to buy anything or wait in line or whatever. Though you find me standing outside a store from which I would never buy anything and holding a purse. If you see me doing so do not comment or I will pick you up over my head and throw you off a bridge... in my head.

Oh the joys of retail. I just can't handle it. I have just returned from the super-store where I had to mail something and pick up a few things. Just a FEW things. A FEW as in 8 or less. So I naturally navigated my way to the "8 or less" line. Yet the wonderful citizen in front of me figured they really meant 108 or more!!!! I'm talking a full load. So I picked them up and threw them off a bridge!! Yeah, in my head.

Happy holiday season in 25 days or less!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

High's and Low's

I realize that I do a lot of complaining on this blog and this post shall be no different! However I would like to start on a high note. We had a combined youth group night last night with 4 different youth groups and had over 100 kids come out! And that was really encouraging to me. We had some fun games with Dan, Worship, and then I spoke. The whole evening went really well. There was a lot of time put into the evening and it was its own reward. Very nice.

However, the morning comes and I have to realize that I only have about 3 weeks left of school and I have an amazing amount of work to get done! Right now I'm putting off a Pioneer Bible Translator intense course paper that is due tomorrow! yikes. And I have lots of tests and other papers and reading and other sentences full of the word "and." So these are fun times. That is, if your idea of fun is calling Mike Tyson a sissy and seeing how he reacts! So there you go, we'll see if I have enough in me to come through or if I will take a KO punch right between the eyes... who knows?

Prayers are ALWAYS appreciated.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Oh but I saw it comming

Have you ever had a movie that you really wanted to see? I mean one of those ones where you think, "this is gonna be awesome," and you don't even mind spending the crazy cash to go see it. And don't you hate it when someone whose already seen the movie gets in a crowded area and blurts out the FREAKING ENDING!!! OH MAN does that ever suck! Well, as you may have guessed, that happened to me. Ladder 49 is the show I really wanted to see and I did see it on the weekend. But prior to that I was in a room with 2 people who saw the movie and started talking about it. And then all of the sudden one of them just starts talking about how it ended even though none of the rest of us had seen it!!! AHHHH! It was still a good show and I highly recommend it but it really took away from it to know what was coming.

So when you go to that new movie that you've just gotta see. Go see it and make sure you ask people around you if they've seen it before you ruin the ending Ok? Ok.

Monday, November 08, 2004


Ever gone to the grocery store in shorts when it’s right cold out? I have! And thus it is laundry day. Because everything in the free world that I own is dirty and I’m out of Fabreeze! It’s pretty sick really. That I would even let my room get to the point where it smells so bad. But Ben, you say. Why don’t you just throw it all in a closet so it wont stink up your room. Good question. Because my hockey gear that has been rained on 9 times is in there and if that kind of a stink gets on my clothes it will NEVER come out! I can just imagine all the sickness of germs and bacteria that live in my room and hockey bag. Oh well, I can’t talk about that anymore I have to go out in my shorts and find a store that sells Fabreeze!

Smell ya later… if you can’t smell me from there that is…frig.

Friday, November 05, 2004

This is where I go to School Posted by Hello


For those of you who are unaware I attend Maritime Christian College as a student. My third year to be exact. And I have to say that this has been a pretty good year so far. This is an odd time to make such a statement as we are in the thick of mid-terms right now, however, it's all good just the same. We have a good bunch of students this year and our school is impoving all the time. Like our web site for example: It was a laughable thing that usually had classes and events from 2 years ago but now its well on its way to being up to date. So that is a happy thing. Now you may be wondering why i don't just put sites like this as links on the side of the screen on the main page. Well, i'm not all that web savy so leave me alone Ok? ok. I just learned how to put up pictures and that is quite a process for me. I'll have to get Dave to show me how to do some of this stuff more efficiently. He has a lovly picture of me up right now on his blog. You can check it out @ once again I would post this under "other blogs" but I DON'T KNOW HOW!!! So check out this web sites and come to MCC in the Fall! Do it, do it.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

This is the new Relient K CD, you can listen to some of it on or you can be like me and just go buy it. It was released today Posted by Hello

Christian CD's

So I just went out and bought the brand new reliant K CD cleverly titled "MMHMM" and I 'm very pleased with it. Just like most of Relient K's stuff it is very good. I also purchased, for the second time, the bundle of reliant K's "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right But 3 Do" and their Christmas album. But Ben, why would you buy it twice? I'm so glad you asked! Because last year I took 5 of my favorite CD's on a road trip and when I returned I put them down on the table in the front of the foyer at Maritime Christian College beside the rest of my stuff and sometime in between the time I put them there and returned for them they were removed and have not been located since. (That was a 4 line run-on sentence that started with because. Grammar teachers everywhere are cringing!) And my two left's CD was in that group. It is the first one of the bunch that I have replaced. I've not decided what to do with the Christmas one yet. The others I need to replace, just for your information, are: Third Day Offerings II, 7 Places, Downhere So much for substitutes, and 3 Doors Down's latest. So if anyone wants to replace them for me just add a comment and we'll get in touch so you can make your generous donation.

ALSO! I would just like to mention that I HATE those stupid stickers they put on Christian CD's! You know those things that never come off in 9 peels that make it impossible to open your CD until it is off. Who and what are these for? It took me 20 minutes to break into my new CD and it doesn't start my new music listening experience off on a high note. Yeah so someone should do something about that and not just complain about it... That person is not me.

One last thought: Ever notice how most of the Christian Artists are much more talented Musicians then mainstream. Most popular artists can't play more than 3 chords and can't sing live. Most of the Christian ones can. I've noticed that.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Kids Today

Hello faithful readers... I mean, mom.

It has been a few days since my last entry and so here is another.

The eXalt conference is done again for another year and it was GREAT! It was called "Meant To Live" this year and we had a blast. I was continually impressed by the youth, they were just great. We had great worship times; there was a great speaker, great talent show with great judges. It was all... GREAT! I very much enjoyed the weekend.

I would also like to update you on the youth group end of things. Even though we didn't have too many out to the conference from our group at Sherwood, youth group is very good this year. We've made some changes but mostly it is going so well because of the amazing group of youth we have. They continue to impress me. I love it.

And that is why it drives me bananas when people crap on our youth. I'm not saying we have a big problem with that specifically in our area, but really folks, how many times have you heard something negative start with "kids today..." Sure, they are definitely different, but so are today's adults! Sometimes I think we judge other groups (myself included) to distract attention from flaws in our own lives. There is a radio script on titled "Kids Today" that you should listen to. A lot of Life Line Productions are funny but some of them really hit home too. Check it out and see if your problem is where you think it is.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Waiting in line

As some of you may know, I have acid reflux and as such I have to take 2 pills everyday of human life so I don't die of heart-burn. Well I ran out of pills and refills (that rhymes) yesterday so I had to go visit the clinic to get more. I really hate going to the walk in clinic mostly because you always have to wait forever and if you want to get in at all you have to show up an hour before the place even opens. Well, this is exactly what I did. I had been waiting behind like 10 people in line and then this car pulls in. A young lady and her outstanding hero of a citizen who I can only assume is her brother. Well, for those of you who never leave the house or have never been to the clinic, most people standing in that line are sick, not feeling well or haveing some need of some sort. And as we all stood in line this moron rolls down his window and smokes. And the smoke blows all over all of us. Including little children! What a creep, I was standing there vibrating thinking "does this idiot have an ounce of brains at all?" I mean, go smoke somewhere else! Like China or something! I have a bad habit, spitting, but I don't go around spitting on everyone! Come on! and then they get out of the car and stand in line right behind me. oh joy. He's done with the smokes though, now he pulls out a big wad of chewing tabacco and jams it into the front of his bottem lip and starts chewing away. The stuff reaks and he's spitting it all over the place! AHHHHH! I couldn't belive it, man people are dumb. Then the lady who works at the front desk braught us all sweet relief and let us in and away from this guy.

If you ask me, I think that you should only be allowed to smoke in your own home and no wheres near any other human beings who like their lungs. And as far as the chewing goes, why don't you do some research and see what else you can do to distroy your gums, mouth, and everything else!!! frig

Monday, October 18, 2004

Its been a long time since I rock n' rolled

Wow, it has been quite a long time since I've posted anything. I made a post around Thanksgiving but somehow I managed to lose it before I was able to post it. So we've finally started practising for eXalt with the band and it sounds good. I was a little worried because eXalt starts on the 22nd and it has been a long time since we've played together or since I've played much at all. Soooooooooooooo... what else, We had a all weekend long intensive course on bible translation, linguistics, phonetics and such. Not too, too bad but very long. Like from 8am to 9pm on a Saturday. Oh well, thats the way it goes. at least we made it to Hockey on friday and thats all that matters really. Well I have more than enough things to get done at the moment like finishing my Romans Questions... let me get at that riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... NOW!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Just To Smile

Good evening class, how is everyone tonight? Good. This week's assignment... smile.

What a little thing that can make such a big difference. It's something that I certainly notice. People just don't smile that much anymore. I was at the superstore today with my brother getting our bi-weekly truck-load of food and when we came up to the cash the young lady there didn't seem to have a smile in her. I moved up in line, smiled at her, said hello and asked how she was. She kept ringing in my items and said "fine, how are you?" without looking up and continued. Then my brother approached with his "perm-a-grin" and enthusiastically greeted her only to get an identical response. It makes such a difference to me to be greeted with a smile. And it can turn around my day. But this poor girl couldn't even look up. Kind of sad.

I don't know what all this means really... but I thought someone should write about it!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Today's lesson

Welcome faithful readers. Today's lesson is one in the art of procrastination and non-productivity. Is that even a word? Anyways, the point is I got nothing accomplished that I had planned to accomplish this weekend. So now I have to try to cram the essentials into the last end... Fun. Frig. Oh well, it was a relaxing weekend anyways.

Last night Sherwood Chruch had a college and career supper dealy for couples. Jacquelyn and I went and weren't sure what to expect really, but it was fun. We ate corn until well past the point of gluttony and then cheese cake was served. We chatted, played pictionary and just enjoyed ourselves, it was nice.

But there was not one ounce of school work done in the duration of this entire weekend. So I should do that now... Cram, cram, cram! Here I go!

Saturday, October 02, 2004


Well yesterday was a good day. Or more of a good evening. First we went to the PEI Rocket game (Quebec Major Junior) and the Rocket defeated Baie-Comeau Drakkar (what a screwy name) 2-1. really good game. Pretty good pace, great goaltending, some really good fights, nice goals and a Tims double double, ahhhhhhh life is good. After that went played some game-cube NHL 2005 where I lost with a minute left in the 3rd due to a pass out front of my own net made by my own goalie! (couldn't believe it!)

Then on to our ice time. It's that time of year again where I live for Fridays cause we have ice time at 10:45. Although on this particular night we only ended up having one sub and I'm still coming of the tail end of this whole sick thing so I kept getting so winded that I felt like I would be sick. But it's still hockey and still great. Gotta miss next week because it's Thanksgiving. But we'll be looking forward to the next one.

What a great game.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am a Jerk

I, Ben Foreman, am a jerk. Most of you who know me realize this. I, for the most part, realize this as well. But I have just come home from night class, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I come into my room and find some neo citron, vapor rub, orange juice and a nice card all on my perfectly made bed. This would be the work of my lovely girlfriend Jacquelyn. To whom I have been cranky with all week. This is the difference between her and I. She had this bug before me and carried on like normal, working all her jobs and putting up with me with little support or care from me. And then I catch the bug and crash (I'm a real baby when I'm sick) and get all grouchy. Her responce to that: she takes care of me and is.... just wonderful like always. Man I'm a jerk, especially when you put me next to someone like her. Oh well, she's stuck with me any how! I'm gonna take some Neo with some Nyquill and I'll talk to you again in about 14-16 hours!
Good Night!


Well I've finally caught whatever this bug is that is going around and man it sucks. It totally frigs your sleep and your day. I woke up yesterday with this cold and since then I've gone through about 3 boxes of Kleenex. My nose is right raw. And I hardly slept at all last night because I couldn't breathe. It was one of those nights where you get to see each hour that passes on the clock. Don't you just love those? It makes me even less productive than normal. Oh well, what can ya do? Everyone gets sick. Well that's enough griping for now. Have a good one folks, I'm taking a nap! And by nap I mean I'm going to go lay down and continually flip form side to side at a pace determined by how fast each nostril plugs.

Monday, September 27, 2004

But you're a jerk and I still like you...

It would seem in life sometimes no matter how much you care or how hard you try some people just don't like you and there isn't a thing you can do about it. For whatever reason it is you have done something to this person or maybe they have just been informed about what kind of a terrible person you are and that's that.

Well I would like to offer this. I cannot dislike, or like for that matter, a person I do not know. If you are going to dislike someone it should not be based on an islolated incident or a first impression. If you're gonna dislike someone, get to know them first and then really dislike them!

Not to say that I myself have never made a snap judgment about someone on a whim but as someone who is often misunderstood and terrible at first impressions I plead with you to hold your judgment and also to be pleasant either way.

AND... Before I come down of this soap-box I would like ask that if you have a problem with someone that you just approach them to work it out. Don't just gossip about it! Too often the last person to hear of the trouble is the person the trouble is with and rarely is it brought to that person by the one offended! If you have a problem with me, come to me first. If I have a problem with you, I will come to you first. Ok? Ok.

I mean, I don't gossip myself. But the people I tell tell everyone!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Shooting A Sacred Cow

What happens to people who shoot a sacred cow? What else? They get lynched! Beaten! Crucified! Or beaten up, lynched and then crucified! You see what I’m getting at? It’s not a great plan. Though the change itself may be beneficial in time, those who hold that cow dear are going to take the lead person of this cow-killing brigade and… well, you know.

And that is what I have been asked to do. No not an actual cow! With a group that includes myself and two others we have the assigned task of “fixing” chapel. You see, Maritime Christian College (where I attend) has had a midday service on Wednesdays since time began. Some think it’s for the students, some think it’s for the supporters, I think it has become a performance and I can also tell you who it is NOT for… God.

Now as I melt for having blasphemed let me say this: I do not think we need to abolish chapel at all but before we can “fix” chapel we need to know what the purpose of chapel is! If it’s just something we do because that’s the way we’ve always done it than fine, let us keep on with this charade. But if this is something that is, as I understand the intension of it, supposed to be something to refresh, refill, and encourage the student body of MCC in the Lord, then we need to kill this cow and start from ground level.

I really think we could make it something to look forward to and something that would make a difference. So in this group we are going back to the drawing board and going to create something that is not just a well intentioned service which no one is certain who it is supposed to edify. But something that could reach people, encourage people, and perhaps bring people to a point where their lives could change.

And once that is finished we just need to see if we can get through the barn door… we’ll see.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A Clean Slate

If you're like me you're a weird-o. And if you're like me you also cannot work in a messed up environment. Well my room since the time I moved into my new apartment has been an absolute pig-sty! And I just can't get my work done in that kind of place. So after chapel today, I went right to work and cleaned my room until it was SPOTLESS! Which also prevented me from getting work done... And now I have no excuse for not doing my work!! Oh No! What have I done!!! Oh well, I really can't stand the mess.

The next project will be the big hall closet. arg... Its never ending. Oh well. I should get to that sometime but not right now... Why not now? I'm busy! Doing what? Umm... None of your business!!! Forget it Ok? Ok.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


For all of you who pulled in by the catchy title of this post I regret to inform you that it is not about my sight as I have 20/40 vision and I also apologize to all you Barbra Walters fans as this is not about the TV show 20/20... Is that even on anymore? Probably not, and if it is, that sucks! But none of that has anything to do with what anything so lets just forget it and move on! OK? Ok.

I'm just sharing with all you faithful checkers of the sidewalk (which is likely just me and my girlfriend because I make her read it, and perhaps my mother) that yesterday I turned 20 on the 20th. My champagne birthday. Although I didn't drink any champagne... Maybe next time... wait. So yeah, not a teenager anymore. Man do I feel old! Yes, I'm finding as I've found many times that somehow I'm not as in touch with everything as I was. Holy Cow! I'm only 20 and my youth group kids talk about bands and TV shows and other pop culture and I don't have a sweet clue what they're are talking about. Most of the time I write it off as them being simple (cause there is NO WAY its me!) but I'm realizing, I need to pay more attention.

This is all very random really... When I sat down I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to write but this isn't quite what I was going to do. I sound like I just turned 40 or something. Its funny, because honestly, I don't feel any older really. And people have mistaken me for being much older than I am for quite a while. It could be because I never really fell, in my own opinion, into that teenage niche. I never really ever reached the point where I felt I was "cool." I didn't think I was a loser, which may have been a mistake too! But I never did get to the point where I was "too cool" to participate in things, or hang out at my grandparents place or tell my parents I loved them regardless of who was around before heading out on a school trip. I just never got to the point where I was that kind of "cool."

But either way, I am now 20 years old and still NOT COOL! haha, maybe there's still hope and I'm a late bloomer... or maybe I am a loser! One way or the other I am 2o years old, turned 20 on the 20th and it has likely taken you 20 freaking minutes to read all this!

Wow, you just read this whole random thing even though its really long and about nothing and I'm the loser? I may not be the only one!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Opening Kick-Off

Well we've had our kick off sleepover at Canoe Cove for Sherwood youth group and we're ready to start up another year. We played games that the youth actually played and they listened when Dan spoke. That is amazing for our group! I was very impressed. We had a great time and I hope this sets the tone for the year. There are so many things that God has done for, to, and with us all over the summer and I really hope we can all be open to his leading this year.

This weekend we also had the opportunity to make another one of our great youth group videos. And in the process I got to watch one of our Sr. High youth fall off a chair on to his butt while kicking the chair out from someone else!! TOO FUNNY! And we've got it on tape! Life is good.

But on a sad note, we are saying Good-bye to one of our leaders. My brother Dan is moving on to New Glasgow to see what he can get going there. Well, I say "WE" but I really mean the youth, because... Lets face it, I live with the guy! I wont miss him, I see him every freaking day!! In fact, sometimes I wish he WOULD leave!!! Not really, we're great pals and I'm just trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny so we'll end with that! Good kick-off, hope it's a good year!
Prayers are always appreciated!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Led To Lead

So we had our second Leadership class of the semester tonight and it is rapidly becoming my favorite class. Our Profs are Tom Marshall and James Nicholson. And as we discuss the attributes of leadership and talk developing those qualities and gifts my mind wonders to how I came to think that I could ever have been a leader in the first place. How is that? Where along the line did I think it was something I could pursue? But it occurs to me as I learn to lead that it was because someone took interest in, mentored and LED me in this way that I am able to contribute to this class. I had a great Mentor, Murray Spencer, who took interest in me and really showed me what it was to be a Christian and how to (try to) show others. We are in a great class with people I would very willing to follow but I as I sit there I remember the one who set the example to me that if you want to learn to lead you have to follow sometimes and if you want to be a leader you have to be a servant. The way Christ did it, and the way it was shown to me and I still need to be reminded of.

Now that we are coming to the point where we are taking the roles of leadership (my generation) I hope I can fill the duty to someone else the way it was done for me.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Hockey Players Need Your Help


Since September 11, 2001, Americans and Canadians have come together as never before in our generation. We have banded together to overcome tremendous adversity. We have weathered direct attacks on our own soil, wars overseas, corporate/government scandal, layoffs, unemployment, stock price plunges, droughts, fires, mad cow, SARS, high gasoline prices, and a myriad of economic and physical disasters both great and small. But now, we must come together once again to overcome our greatest challenge yet.

Hundreds of Professional Hockey players in our very own nation are going to be locked out, living at well below the seven-figure salary level!

Astonishing? Yes! But if that wasn't bad enough, they could be deprived of their life giving pay for several months, possibly longer, as a result of the upcoming lockout situation. You can help!

For only $20,835 a month, about $694.50 a day (that's less than the cost of a large screen projection TV) you can help an NHL player remain economically viable during his time of need. This contribution by no means solves the problem as it barely covers the annual minimum salary, but it's a start, and every little bit will help!

Although $700 may not seem like a lot of money to you, to a hockey player it could mean the difference between spending the lockout golfing in Florida or on a Mediterranean cruise. For you, seven hundred dollars is nothing more than a month's rent, half a mortgage payment, or a month of medical insurance, but to a hockey player, $700 will partially replace his daily salary.

Your commitment of less than $700 a day will enable a player to buy that home entertainment center, trade in the year-old Lexus for a new Ferrari, or enjoy a weekend in Rio.

Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the player you sponsor. Detailed information about his stocks, bonds, 401(k), real estate, and other investment holdings will be mailed to your home. Plus, upon signing up for this program, you will receive an unsigned photo of the player lounging during the lockout on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean (for a signed photo, please include an additional $150). Put the photo on your refrigerator to remind you of other peoples' suffering.

HOW WILL HE KNOW I'M HELPING? Your NHL player will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who just wants to help in a time of need. Although the player won't know your name, he will be able to make collect calls to your home via a special operator in case additional funds are needed for unforeseen expenses.

I would like to sponsor a locked out NHL player. My preference is (check below):

[ ] Forward [ ] Defenseman [ ] Goaltender [ ] Entire team (Please call our 900 number to ask for the cost of a specific team - $10 per minute)
[ ] Jaromir Jagr (Higher cost: $32,000 per day)

Please charge the account listed below $694.50 per day for the duration of the lockout. Please send me a picture of the player I have sponsored, along with a Jaromir Jagr 2001 Income Statement and my very own Bob Goodenow (Executive Director of the NHLPA player's Union) pin to wear proudly on my hat (include $80 for hat).

Your Name: _______________________
Telephone Number: _______________________
Account Number: _______________________ [ ] Other Signature: _______________________
Alternate card (when the primary card exceeds its credit limit): Account Number: _______________________ [ ]
Other Signature: _______________________

Sorce Unknown

It happens at Midnight

Well, for those of you who are hockey fans like myself, today is a dark day. Not because Canada won the world cup... That's GREAT! It is a bad day because as of 12:00 tonight the Lockout for NHL hockey players will be in full swing and there will be no NHL hockey for a good long while. AND THAT SUCKS!!! This is NUTS! I just don't understand how something like this can happen inside an organization that handles this much money. The owners are losing money and can't afford to continue with player saleries so high so they need to cut the saleries down a notch. Fine, so do it. But they can't because the players have contracts that say that money is owed to them and they wont take a penny less! It makes me wonder if it ever dawns on these people... That they are paid a TREMENDOUS amount of money to PLAY HOCKEY!!! Most, if not all wouldn't even have to change their spending habits much because so much cash is at their disposial anyways. It blows my mind. The game has already gotten to the point where the average person can hardly afford to go to a game but this is crazy! To actually believe that they are worth the money they are paid is crazy. I've only seen one player who was truly worth all that... The Wayner! And since him, no one is even CLOSE! And HE would take less money! When he went to Los Angelos he didn't take the first offer they gave him because it was TOO HIGH and these players wont budge! That makes me sick!

Come on guys, who needs that kind of money anyways? You're paid and paid well to Play hockey. I pay 10 bucks a night at 10:45 PM to play. Take the cut and play the game you love to play. Don't do to the NHL what was done to the MLB. Remember why you started playing in the first place! Come on! What else am I gonna do on Saturday Night?!!!

Monday, September 13, 2004

What was that?

Today's lunch was brought to me in part by: McDonald's. Ahhhh the time of year when you buy one and get one free no matter what it is. Well I'm waiting and wishing that if I had a clue that I might have been able to pass the second one on for free to the person in front of me. It seems now that some people from the schools are unable to remove their headphones from their heads... EVER! Maybe if they do they'll die. I can just imagine what is playing on those things now... "breathe in, breathe out..." Anyways, this young, exemplary, hero of a citizen made his attempt to order but was unable to hear the lady at the cash because he had those freaking headphones on. I stood there and chuckled to myself and thought, "what a meat-head." But its funny how we do that in our own lives. This boy wanted his lunch but he wasn't willing to remove his headphones and it was quite a lengthy process. He wanted to get to the goal but didn't want to make the sacrifice of getting there. Sometimes we do that too. Whether it's a relationship we want to further without putting the time in. Or a goal we want to accomplish without putting the work in. So the next time you're in line waiting for your Big Mac, remove those headphones buddy and get it. If not for you're own sake, then for mine... I really hate waiting.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Hockey's on and I've got Class!!!

Well the world cup is on, Canada is doing well, and there is play-off atmosphere going on! What could go wrong. Well, incase you are reading this and don't know me at all, the title hardly suggests that I am a classy individual. World cup final game is on tuesday night and so is my first Psycology class! Yeah, a 3 hour night class! Lucky me. Not to mention that this is the last hockey we're gonna see for a while folks. The looming lock-out is still upon us and is GOING to happen. Does that ever suck! Man, nothing is going right in my life! Ha ha, just kiddin... mostly. Anyways i'll need a whole new post to gripe on that one. So GO CANADA GO! I'll be supporting you from Class unless i skip class... theres an idea... may sleep on that one... Goodnight!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

It's Been A While

It really has been a while since I have last written on this blog of mine. I haven't really had much access to the web since i moved from Toronto. I just got my phone hooked up in the new apartment but the internet is gonna take a while. Though, working with Alient, I'm just glad i have a phone! There will be a grip fest later to come about alient when my high-speed finally gets in. Not really a lot of excitment going on right now. Just started school at MCC again and we have a great bunch of new students so that is exciting. And just getting settled into the new place now that our fridge has arrived. I guess thats all for now, bu-bye!

Saturday, August 21, 2004


Ok folks, as many of you have noticed Blog has a lovely feature of adding comments, which is nice. I like to read the things you have to say, however if you could be so kind as to not place profanity in your comments that would be great. You may notice on one of the comments on another post has 4 letter word I prefer not to use. I want to leave the comment there, and warn you that it is there, but please don’t swear on my Blog and we’ll all get along fine. Ok? Ok.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Hit It!

Water-Skiing is a lot harder than it looks! I was out to a cottage just south of Perry Sound (where Bobby Ore grew up) from Thursday to Saturday and I had an oppertunity to try this sport on Black Stone Lake. Basically what you do is; strap on the skis, hang on the stick and yell “HIT IT!” and off you go. But this is not all there is to it. It’s important to find your balance and to be angled in the right direction. Otherwise you are in for one painful drink through your nose! Well, knew that it would be hard but I figured that I would be up in no time. How wrong I was. I was out in the water and ready to go but every time I would yell HIT IT and every time I would either fall back or get pull over or have the stick pulled out of my hands or whatever! It was really hard and really frustrating. I didn’t get up at all the first day I was there and not until the second night did I get up and away. I wasn’t even going to try anymore but the man who had invited me to come encouraged me to keep at it and I did it. It was really fun once I got up and I’m glad I did stick with it because even though it was hard and I’m sore the feeling of being up there and skiing across the lake was great!

And it made me think of how many people go through life and “never get up” and never see the reward that comes with the determination to do so. Now, I’m not saying this is some sort of overcoming, emotional story of triumph. But it is really amazing, to me, how many people go through life and never aim for the reward at the end, which is heaven. This, to me, is like going water skiing and never pressing on until you get up. Because if you don’t get up, you can duplicate the experience by getting someone to splash water in your face so it goes up your nose, kick you in the back and give you a weddgie! And many people settle for that in life. But we need to press on and take life and HIT IT hard for Christ because the reward is going to be spectacular.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Well, the summer is just about over and the Toronto section of it will be done for me on Sunday the 15th. I've finished working with the youth for the summer here at Keele Street Christian Church and I've had a great summer with them. But leaving this place is a bitter-sweet experience, hence the title, because mixed with the excitement of going home to see my family who I haven't seen since the beginning of May, and my beautiful girlfriend Jacquelyn who visited me about half way through my term here, are the added emotions of leaving loved ones behind yet again. (That had to be the longest sentence ever) It was a hard decision to make when I was thinking about coming here to Toronto in the first place. I was scared of the big city and of the feeling of being completely out of my element. And I certainly did not want to leave my loved ones that far away. But I felt God tugging me in this direction and even though it was scary I knew He had something for me here. And He certainly has. My summer here has been an amazing learning and growing experience and I wouldn't trade the memories of this summer for the world. I have been continually impressed with the youth, as well as the congregation. The warm and inviting people that they are shine Christ through and through. The biggest thing that has impressed me about the youth here at Keele, is how they love each other. They are truly following Christ's example in that. And they love and support I have received from them has meant everything in the success of my ministry here. If they have learned half as much from me as I have learned from them, I have been more than successful in this venture. To them I say thank-you and I love you all. I'll always be your Uncle Ben.

The other half of this equation that has made this summer such a great learning and growing experience is the Pastor here and his family. Grant has acted as a mentor to me over the past 14 weeks and I have learned a tremendous amount from him. Watching him in action here at Keele and seeing how he shepherds his flock is truly an amazing thing. I have learned so much about ministry from him. The church here at Keele is truly lucky to have a man of God like Grant at the helm. I will miss him and his family as I go.

And finally the congregation here has been a blessing to me as well. They have supported me in everything I have done here and that means the world to me. Its not just the youth who affectionately call me "Uncle Ben." And I have even found room and board at the home of Stephen and Beth Knox. They opened their home to me, a stranger to them and have treated me like family. I feel very much a part of the church family here at Keele and have been made to feel that way from the first week. So thank-you Keele street for everything and should our paths cross again in a working environment, I look forward to that day because I know what I'm getting in to... One of the warmest, most loving congregations I have ever seen. God bless.

Uncle Ben

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Reason for the name

Hello all, and welcome to my blog. I figured since everyone else in the world has one of these things I should get one too. Because any time a bunch of people are doing something you should always just do it too so you can be cool no matter what! Anyways the purpose of this "post" is to fill you in on what the name of this blog is all about. Over the past 14 weeks I have lived here in Toronto and I have really enjoyed it. But I just have one thing I would like to say to all of you people who live in this great city and walk down town on a regular basis... YOU DON'T OWN THE SIDEWALK!!! So if I am walking towards you or behind you or if I am on my roller blades then please let me through!! I will move for you, you can move for me! None of us own it so lets just share... OK?

Friday, July 30, 2004